Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Blog I Follow: A New Normal Jensen Parrish

By Morgan Nalley

A few years ago A tragic event took place in my hometown in Idaho. A well known family experienced an awful accident in their home caused by carbon monoxide poisoning. The mother, father, and two youngest boys all died in their sleep due to the accident. The two oldest siblings were not home when this accident took place, they were both serving their church on a mission.

The oldest daughter, Jensen Parrish, took to blogging as a coping mechanism with all of the feelings that she had and is still having after the tragic accident causing the death of her family members. Her blog, "A New Normal," addresses emotions and daily challenges that she has faced since the accident. Although, she relates them to the tragic accident, she is still able to write them so others can apply her examples of thoughts, feelings, and advice to their own lives. She uses religion as a base reference in almost all of her blogs.

The reason that I follower her blog is because I find her advice helpful and her views of life very similar to my own. The reason I continued to go back to her blog when she first started it was because I attended high school with Jensen and my curiosity of her situation after the accident kept my concern and attention. Now, I continue to go back to her blog now seeking advice and hoping that she posts something that can help me with my daily struggles. She is inspirational and shows many strong characteristics that are easily desired by myself and others.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Ethical Use of Social Media

By Morgan Nalley

Social media is a quick, convenient, and cheap way for businesses to market to their audience. Although, these are some of the benefits of using social media, and it seems to be simple, issues may arise concerning the ethics of social media. Listed in the article I have linked above are five sins that can be comitted as a social media manager: unreported endorsements,  improper anonymity, compromising consumer privacy, overly enthusiastic employees, and using the online community for fee work.

Ways that businesses can properly use social media without committing any of these sins is by keeping things simple and sharing only content that is designed, owned, and produced by themselves. Examples of this type of sharing material would be business hours, sales events, and employee profiles. I believe that there should be more than one person that oversees the distribution of information over social media. Having multiple people over see what is being sent out on the world wide web can help to insure that these sins and pit falls are avoided.

Social media is a chance for businesses to show off their new products by using their personal material, such as demonstration videos. I also believe that promotion of special public events or sales events are popular content that should be shared with a companies online audience. The employees of a business are one of their biggest assets, especially in the customer service field, so if social media is used to promote personal profiles of the business employees then that might help to create good consumer relationships.